1. Noted were the conservation areas that are in need of more stewardship. List follows. We were pleased to have the Bedford Citizen, a recent on-line Bedford news reporting organization, cover our meeting. You may have seen Kim Seibert’s article about us (Oct 26) and the list of the underserved conservation areas. Their web address:
List of conservation areas in need of coverage: Huckins Farm Trails (Dudley Rd. area); Frost C.A. (between Great Rd. and Pine St.); O’Connor C.A. (off Old Billerica Rd., near Noreen
Dr.); Shawsheen River C.A.(off Middlesex Trnpk, along the river); Webber/Vanderhoof (off Concord Rd., past Hartwell Rd.).
2. Your Fall Field Reports have been summarized by Yan and made available to the Trails Committee for information in their work. It is up to the Conservation Commission to work out the details of the items to be acted upon in these reports. In the light of storm SANDY which did its damage after our Reports were in, some of you may be notified to do a quick evaluation of any storm damage. Remember, automatically report to Elizabeth (or Yan) any important change in your area at any time of the year.
3. Do stay on top of the developments of the Bedford Circuit Trails which is very much in the planning stages. We had an extensive presentation by Ralph Hammond on this subject at the meeting He is one of our stewards (York) and also a member of the Trails Committee. For those of you not at the meeting, there has already been sent out to you a brief explanation of the Circuit Trail concept along with a map of the tentative routes for the two circuit trails. When any of you have questions, concerns, suggestions especially as you see where these trails go through your conservation area, it is asked that you notify Ralph or Elizabeth with your comments. It’s an exciting concept, creating these 2 circular routes for a way to better enjoy our Bedford natural resources - and – coincidentally getting a little exercise. Ralph Hammond’s email: Ralph.Hammond@verizon.net Elizabeth’s email: elizabethb@bedfordma.gov
4. When your map boxes are empty, stewards, please arrange to get copies found on the steward or town website, or from Elizabeth. Being the monitor of your area is one of your responsibilities. Steward Website:
bedfordlandstewards.blogspot.com Town Website:
bedfordma.gov Link on both: Trail Maps
5. When what we call “hazard” trees (trees hanging over trails endangering walkers, not trees lying down that one can step over), are dutifully reported by you to Elizabeth, she will notify the D.P.W. who will go in and take care of the problem. It is paramount upon your reporting, however, that you locate on a map the position of the hazard tree.
6. A truly comprehensive, professional environmental study of our conservation areas done in 1977 was handed out to show what we might consider doing today in support of our conservation lands. The example study contains information about geological features, plant populations, and management objectives. It appeared that the study was met with great enthusiasm. If any of you would like a copy of this example of an environmental study please let Elizabeth know.
7. Lindau Farmland’s sale agreement with the town established an expiration next year of its tenure as “conservation” land. The feeling by the Lindau stewards present was that there was very little threat in the future of the Town using this piece of land for anything but open space.
8. Copies listing our conservation areas and their current stewards and contact information were made available at the meeting. Please let Elizabeth know if you want a copy.