Elizabeth Bagdonas, the Town of Bedford Conservation Office Administrator, sent us this message about the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord rivers Riverfest event:
Carla Gomez of the Organization for the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers is coordinating this year's Riverfest activities throughout the watershed and Bedford is an important part of it.
The event will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 23rd an 24th and Carla hopes that Bedford will offer an activity to be included in the Riverfest brochure. In the past, Bedford has run a trail walk and coordinated boat trip to Two Brothers Rocks from the Concord River Boat Landing.
Boaters bring their own boats and are led by Bedford boaters. Walkers either meet at the boat landing or on Old Causeway Road and walk with a Bedford guide over the West Bedford Trail to Two Brothers Rocks. We in Bedford could have someone present from the Historic Preservation Committee to give the history, and/or someone to describe Bedford’s contributions to open space preservation in the area.
Please let Elizabeth Bagdonas know if you are interested in this event and can contribute.
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