About the Stewards

The Bedford conservation land stewards are a group of volunteers who care for the conservation areas of Bedford, Massachusetts. Established in 1995, we work closely with the Bedford Conservation Commission and Trails Committee but are an independent organization.

Stewards get to know our conservation areas over time and serve as a voice advocating for them in our town.We present field reports twice a year at our Spring and Fall meetings. Input from land stewards gives the Conservation Commission the information they need to best serve the town and preserve our natural spaces.

We need you! Become a land steward. Contact us at bedfordlandstewards@gmail.com. Come to one of our meetings. Send us an enrollment form.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bird Sightings

Yan Thomas has been kind enough to share the details of some bird sightings here in Bedford. Please send news of any interesting flora or fauna you encounter to bedfordlandstewards@gmail.com. Here are Yan's notes:

January 13, 2011, sighted for the second time this season a Red-bellied woodpecker (male) at a suet feeder on Dudley Rd.

December 15, 2010, sighted a pair of Red-bellied woodpeckers (separately) feeding on mixed seed on the ground under my bird feeder on Dudley Rd. A misnomer, they do not have red bellies; the male has a red crown and nape, the female, only a red nape!

November 12, 2010, A flock of Pine Siskins visited my thistle feeder on Dudley Road. A small finch with dark, heavily –streaked breast
stripes, a touch of yellow in its wings and base of tail. The flock did not remain into the next day.
November 23, 2010, A male Pileated Woodpecker (up to 20” in length) visited the backwoods behind my house. When it flew most striking were the large flashing white patches on the underwings against the black body. When it landed on a dead tree the very red crest was evident and through the binoculars looked like a huge flaming-red helmet. Large oblong holes in the tree’s trunk showed where the bird was feeding (carpenter ants). What caught my attention at first was the LOUD irregular kik-kik call like that of a Flicker.

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